How To Cut Down A Tree And Survive?

You want to cut down a tree, but you don't know how to go about it. It's not a problem if it is a small tree, but when you see a piece of a tall log with a thick trunk and wide branches, you already feel respect. Especially if you've never done this. However, felling trees is simple. As long as you stick to a few rules. Thanks to this, you will save time, do it efficiently and, most importantly, safely.

Initial pruning of branches
It is worth doing this before cutting the tree, of course, if the branches grow low from the trunk.

For safety, only cut to the height of your head.
When working, stand on slightly bent legs, transferring the weight of the saw to the branch to be cut. You will not be so tired then. Cutting down a tree
At the very beginning, determine the direction of the fall of the tree. It is also good to use a rope for this purpose. Tie her at the highest point possible. Assess which side the tree is slanting the most, from which side it grows more branches. If possible, choose this direction.

Cut a wedge about 40 degrees and 1/3 the thickness of the trunk on the side where the tree should fall.

Then make an incision on the other side about 2 cm above the bottom plane of the cut wedge. This will avoid possible pinching of the blade. Leave a small uncut section between the notches on both sides and insert the prepared wedge from the opposite side of the tree fall. This will help you steer the tree in the right direction. Hit the wedge until you hear a click. Immediately move away from the tree to a safe distance and it will tip over by itself. Remember to look at them. It happens differently. If it descends in a direction other than planned, you know which way to take your legs under the belt. If possible, the other person can pull on the tied rope to be on the safe side, which, of course, should be long enough not to be within the crown of the tree.

Remember to hold the chain saw firmly and firmly with both hands and try not to put the end of the guide bar over the tree trunk. The saw then vibrates and can kick back strongly, which can even lead to serious injuries.

Before sawing, debark and clean the tree at the cut. The bark and all impurities, incl. soil, very blunt chain.

Find professional service here: tree removal fort worth